2019 南涌、鹿頸社區生態文化導賞培訓計劃

2019 南涌、鹿頸社區生態文化導賞培訓計劃
Nam Chung-Luk Keng Community Eco-Cultural Tour Guide Training Program 2019





Nam Chung and Luk Keng, which are located in the inner sea of Sha Tau Kok, are well-known suburban oasis. Turning in from Sha Tau Kok Road, the scenic winding coastline of Luk Keng Road are always crowded with visitors who come here to marvel at the picturesque scene. In the winter season when reeds are in full bloom, migratory birds are known to cross the border. It is truly a unique mountain and sea landscape on the northeastern coast of the New Territories. In the low valley of the inner sea, there are also hidden diverse ecological and cultural landscapes.

The inner sea area of Sha Tau Kok is home to a number of Hakka village settlements with a history of three or four hundred years. The villagers have inherited rich historical memories and cultural customs. The pattern of Feng Shui forest behind the village is still intact. However, the development and changes of the countryside are a reflection of the development of modern Hong Kong. For example, in Nam Chung, since the early 1950s, villagers have migrated overseas to make a living and to settle down. Rice paddies have been replaced. Instead, the new villagers who arrived here have successively excavated fish ponds to raise freshwater fish. A new generation of organic farmers have arrived to cultivate the land, the changes of the landscape and the development of cultural history embodies the sentimental imagery of our modern era.

The natural landscape and ecology in this area, along with the diversity of aquatic habitats and the richness of species are very rich. In Nan Chung alone, there are two well-known stone gongs named Pingnan Stream and Pingjia Stream, which both merge into the Nan Chung River. The water that flows through the lowlands continue down into agriculture-used canals and slopes that were constructed many years ago, abandoned fish ponds, reed beds, swamps that occasionally flood, mangroves and, finally flowing out of the estuary, into the sea. Other natural habitats include: rocky shores, feng shui forests, secondary forests, dryland farmland, wetland farmland, etc. These small areas are home to diverse habitats, breed a vast range of living creatures, and have a profound historical and cultural heritage. We are indeed proud that our land- and community-based work is part of such a strong biodiversity.

Through this program, we hope to nurture community tour guides to work with the two broad topics of natural ecology and history and culture. After completing the training, we will share the hidden treasures of New Territories in Nan Chung and Lu Keng areas. And together realize the importance of cultural preservation in rural landscapes through group research and learning.










-Learning together: the unique natural habitats and cultural heritage of Nam Chung & Luk Keng (and beyond)
-Build skills and competences on the interpretation of local heritage, living culture, values and cultural identity attached to place
-Contribute to community capacity building through the development of community-based ecocultural tours


-The program covers a wide range of topics, including natural habitats and species identification; a broad overview of Hakka culture and language, rural development and a concise history of the New Territories, the concept of cultural landscape, and interpretation skills. The knowledge and skills involved are applicable to a variety of fields.
-We have guests speakers from different fields who will share their knowledge and experiences with us – it’s going to be a very meaningful and enriching learning journey!
-Most courses are conducted at our farm at Nam Chung, we hope that you’ll enjoy a strong sense of support, and an opportunity to share and care for our people and our Earth on this learning journey.


We are welcoming any young people or adults interested in ecotourism, cultural heritage, and community building to join us. Please do remember this is a tour guide training program. Accepted applicants are expected to take part in full training and commit to a sustained relationship with PEACE and the program. ALL applicants must be 16 years of age or older, and be able to listen to and speak Cantonese. ALL courses are taught in Cantonese. As long as you can speak the language fairly well, you’re still welcome to apply even if you CANNOT read Chinese characters. Please also make sure you’re physically fit for outdoor activities.

Target Intake:
15 for each theme

Hosting organization: Partnership for Eco-Agriculture and Conservation of Earth (PEACE)

詳細內容 Details:https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-xTpBFsErHbFnyU2IPsklOP3KMdLNndxFSyjtN2rC9g

在此報名 Apply here:https://forms.gle/ey475eKfhE9wtKLf8

截止日期 Deadline:2019年8月31日 (31st August, 2019)

查詢:FB Inbox / 95401429

連繫自然身心一一南涌魚塘山水洛神認養計劃 2019



這個不一樣的認養計劃 —
藉此喚醒一個美麗的資訊 —

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* 非一般認養計劃:活用環境優勢,結合身心靈與種植照料、進食、加工的認養教育活動。
* 共4次活動聚會,每月1次。每次均包括動手做照料洛神 及 不同主題的身心自然環節。每次農夫都會親自準備簡單的生機小食(raw food)或飲品,最後一課更會一起享用農友悉心料理的素食午餐。
* 活動地點為沙頭角南涌活耕建養地協會活動平台及洛神花田,並由南涌註場農夫、在途上的身心靈實踐者阿汶帶領

1. 9月15日(日) 下午3時至5時30分
主題:連繫身體 – 動態靜心

2. 10月20日(日) 下午3時至5時30分
主題:連繫心靈 – 繞行魚塘與洛神

3. 11月17日(日) 下午3時至5時30分
主題:連繫自然與身心 – 覺察飲食

4. 12月1日(日) 上午11點至下午4點 (包午餐)
主題:收成時節 – 洛神加工


– 參與4次認養活動聚會 (種植、加工、飲食、身心靈活動)
– 享用課上提供的生機小食 & 飲品,及12月1日的素食午餐
– 採收認養洛神的整棵收成
– 免費參與洛神蜜餞加工工作坊,並帶走1樽自製的洛神蜜餞(500g)


非會員 — 洛神 $2400/棵
會員 — 洛神 $1900/棵
* 早鳥優惠:於 8月18日 或之前遞交報名表,可享 95 折優惠
* 每棵以一人為單位,如欲携同親友或小童參與,會視乎情況額外收費 (主要是活動 4 之工作坊及午餐費用)。請於報名表註明。


日期:8月31日 (六)
時間:下午2點30 至 5點30分
1. 介紹是次認養&身心靈活動計劃
2. 介紹南涌水土洛神的成長&照料方式
3. 參觀&導賞洛神成長區域 (協會魚塘區)
4. 動心動手:照料洛神,連繫身心
5. 可即場報名認養
* 現場提供簡單生機小食(raw food)/茶水。
* 簡介會費用全免,歡迎現場自由捐獻支持。

查詢:9540 1429 Zoey / peacenamchung@gmail.com