Workshop FULL! From now on, all enrollments will be put on the waiting list. Thank you very much for your support!
Council of All Beings Two-Day Workshop
Background: Since the establishment of Partnership for Eco-Agriculture and the Conservation of Earth (PEACE) in 2013 she has been endeavouring to create an eco-community and practice sustainable farming in Nam Chung. We hope that our workshop participants and visitors can deepen their connections with nature and each other through various sustainability- and ecovillage-related educational activities. We believe that if we unite hand in hand our strengths and wisdom will bring much greater positive impact to Planet Earth, environment, community, and the individual.
This workshop is a continuation of the ‘Ecovillage and Sustainable Living Co-learning Programme’ that we organized in the summer of 2020. From autumn 2020 to summer of 2021, we had run 5 ‘colearning’ workshops and 2 reading groups to further our understanding of deep ecology. This workshop therefore is the first practice session of what we’ve learned.
You are cordially invited to a two-day residential workshop – the Council of All Beings – through which we will explore our interconnectedness with each other and share our common concern for the Earth.
The Council of All Beings is a workshop developed in the 1980s by environmental activists and deep ecologists Joanna Macy, John Seed and others to address the deepening sense of alienation from nature that many of us feel and to awaken the inner ecological self so that we can stay connected to voice for the Planet.
The workshop will take on a journey of reflection and self-discovery through a variety of experiential exercises, creative craft work, time in nature, ritual theatre, and culminating in the ‘Council of All Beings’. In the Council, each of us allows ourselves to be represented by a being in nature. We will speak from the perspective of another being and express how their livelihood and/or roles in nature have been influenced by human activities.
Date: Saturday & Sunday, 19-20 February 2022
Venue: PEACE Nam Chung
This workshop is for those who:
Have an interest in Deep Ecology
Want to explore the interplay between spiritual, body, art, and theatre practices
Want to experience a different way of connecting with nature
Care for the present and future well-being of the Earth, the human collective, and the other-than-human world
Workshop fee: Sliding scale between $400-700-1,000*
$400 provides financial support for those in need
$700 covers event costs
$1,000 subsidizes the workshop and participants in need of financial aid
Includes fees for the facilitators, venue, meals (4.5 meals incl. First day lunch + dinner; second day breakfast ingredients + lunch + afternoon tea), insurance, and accommodation. (Note: PEACE will provide ingredients and participants will make their own breakfast on the second day.)
*PEACE will provide ten subsidies of $300 per person in order to encourage enrollment to the workshop. However, you would still have to pay the difference for the workshop fee after subsidy. Limited quota and subsidies are not provided on a first come first served basis; PEACE will consider applications in a single batch, please think twice whether you actually NEED to apply for subsidies.
Deep ecology was first proposed by Norwegian ecological philosopher Arne Naess in 1973. Deep ecology proposes an ecological approach to understanding and dealing with environmental problems, thinking from the relationships between humans and nature as a holistic whole. Naess critiqued modern life and philosophical thoughts, as well as technocratic attempts to solving world problems. All lives on Earth are indispensable not because of their extrinsic value (e.g., useful for humans) but because of their intrinsic worthiness; they should have equal rights and opportunities to live and to thrive. Human disturbance to the natural environment has reached a threshold and gives rise to unprecedented habitat destruction and deterioration. Humans should step out of our anthropocentric perspective and stop thinking we are the dominant species on this Planet; in order to allow the enlargement of the ego-self to the ecological-Self. Thus, deep ecology leads us towards a totally different worldview — if we cease looking at the world from a mechanistic mindset and reckon our intimate connections with nature, we would be able to reflect on our way of living and our values; we would be able to think from the holistic point of view instead of the atomistic.
You should be able to participate on BOTH DAYS.
A workshop reminder email will be sent on Monday, 7 Feb 2022.
We provide vegetarian meals only.
You are advised not to come if you have travelled recently or if you are in close contact with persons who have contracted Covid-19.
Facilitator Bios
Amanda Yik, ICF Certified Professional Coach for Transformation, Certified Nature and Forest Therapy Guide and Trainer, women’s circle facilitator, yoga, tai chi and mindfulness practitioner, traveller in the descent to the Soul. After an epiphany moment while sailing the beautiful waters of Sai Kung in 2007, Amanda heeded the call of the Earth. A windy, decade-long journey of homecoming ensued. Throughout this time, nature has been a constant source of strength, inspiration and healing. Amanda’s work is her offering to the mystery and sacredness of life on this beautiful planet, our common home.
Liane Mah, movement artist, somatic practitioner, nature’s faith keeper, has been passionately exploring embodied movement within and without and is particularly interested in the process of ‘rewilding’ modern society through the deepening of mind/body relationships. Her work is guided by somatic, psychology, neuroscience, deep ecology, and buddhism, while her love for nature informs her way of being. She hopes to share a chance for co-creation through collective learning, listening, and expressing. It is a process to connect with our inner and outer home, and an invitation to return to the essence of why connection matters.
Nam Chung and Luk Keng, which are located in the inner sea of Sha Tau Kok, are well-known suburban oasis. Turning in from Sha Tau Kok Road, the scenic winding coastline of Luk Keng Road are always crowded with visitors who come here to marvel at the picturesque scene. In the winter season when reeds are in full bloom, migratory birds are known to cross the border. It is truly a unique mountain and sea landscape on the northeastern coast of the New Territories. In the low valley of the inner sea, there are also hidden diverse ecological and cultural landscapes.
The inner sea area of Sha Tau Kok is home to a number of Hakka village settlements with a history of three or four hundred years. The villagers have inherited rich historical memories and cultural customs. The pattern of Feng Shui forest behind the village is still intact. However, the development and changes of the countryside are a reflection of the development of modern Hong Kong. For example, in Nam Chung, since the early 1950s, villagers have migrated overseas to make a living and to settle down. Rice paddies have been replaced. Instead, the new villagers who arrived here have successively excavated fish ponds to raise freshwater fish. A new generation of organic farmers have arrived to cultivate the land, the changes of the landscape and the development of cultural history embodies the sentimental imagery of our modern era.
The natural landscape and ecology in this area, along with the diversity of aquatic habitats and the richness of species are very rich. In Nan Chung alone, there are two well-known stone gongs named Pingnan Stream and Pingjia Stream, which both merge into the Nan Chung River. The water that flows through the lowlands continue down into agriculture-used canals and slopes that were constructed many years ago, abandoned fish ponds, reed beds, swamps that occasionally flood, mangroves and, finally flowing out of the estuary, into the sea. Other natural habitats include: rocky shores, feng shui forests, secondary forests, dryland farmland, wetland farmland, etc. These small areas are home to diverse habitats, breed a vast range of living creatures, and have a profound historical and cultural heritage. We are indeed proud that our land- and community-based work is part of such a strong biodiversity.
Through this program, we hope to nurture community tour guides to work with the two broad topics of natural ecology and history and culture. After completing the training, we will share the hidden treasures of New Territories in Nan Chung and Lu Keng areas. And together realize the importance of cultural preservation in rural landscapes through group research and learning.
-Learning together: the unique natural habitats and cultural heritage of Nam Chung & Luk Keng (and beyond) -Build skills and competences on the interpretation of local heritage, living culture, values and cultural identity attached to place -Contribute to community capacity building through the development of community-based ecocultural tours
-The program covers a wide range of topics, including natural habitats and species identification; a broad overview of Hakka culture and language, rural development and a concise history of the New Territories, the concept of cultural landscape, and interpretation skills. The knowledge and skills involved are applicable to a variety of fields. -We have guests speakers from different fields who will share their knowledge and experiences with us – it’s going to be a very meaningful and enriching learning journey! -Most courses are conducted at our farm at Nam Chung, we hope that you’ll enjoy a strong sense of support, and an opportunity to share and care for our people and our Earth on this learning journey.
We are welcoming any young people or adults interested in ecotourism, cultural heritage, and community building to join us. Please do remember this is a tour guide training program. Accepted applicants are expected to take part in full training and commit to a sustained relationship with PEACE and the program. ALL applicants must be 16 years of age or older, and be able to listen to and speak Cantonese. ALL courses are taught in Cantonese. As long as you can speak the language fairly well, you’re still welcome to apply even if you CANNOT read Chinese characters. Please also make sure you’re physically fit for outdoor activities.
Target Intake: 15 for each theme
Hosting organization: Partnership for Eco-Agriculture and Conservation of Earth (PEACE)
012-917-1-132624-0(Partnership for Eco Agriculture and the Conservation of Earth)然後把入數紙照片 WhatsApp 至 9540 1429 或電郵至,註明姓名及參加非暴力正念家庭課程。
YOU’RE INVITED TO THE GRAIN RAIN CELEBRATION! Sixth Anniversary Party and Annual General Meeting of the Partnership for Eco-Agriculture and the Conservation of Earth (PEACE)
# 鼠老大, <南涌之春>, 2019. She Lo Dai, Spring of Nam Chung, 2019. Courtesy: the artist
(Please scroll down for English version.)
Typhoon Mangkhut which swept across South China last September has caused tremendous damage to Hong Kong. Who are we, other than passengers of time? We as human beings share an intrinsic responsibility to ecological protection, and long-term sustainability and diversity of life on Earth. It has become imminent to develop local sound strategies and put them into practice as possible glocal solutions for sustainability of all dimensions, be it ecological, cultural, economical, or social.
In the beginning of this year we had decided to rebuild our blown over kitchen on the original spot using natural building techniques. We partnered with a young and enthusiastic architect Ah Lok, and with keen assistance on the part of our dear members and friends, we managed to complete it within a short period of time.
On this important day, Sunday 7th April 2019, PEACE is going to host its sixth annual celebration party for Grain Rain (last spring solar term which signals increase in temperature and rainfall according to the Chinese lunar calendar), as well as an opening ceremony for its newly built kitchen. The time has come at long last to implement sustainable living and natural building in communities. Hopefully the movement will create rippling effects to the Hong Kong society as a whole. For that to happen, we really look forward to your presence with hope and great happiness in this joyous event!
We addressed some areas of concern in last year’s report that require your attention – we would like to make the best use of this opportunity to discuss possible organizational change within PEACE; in the hope that we would become an eco-community oriented around principles of sustainability, cooperation, and solidarity.
We would be honored if you can attend our sixth anniversary party & AGM on Sunday, 7th April at Nam Chung.
[You’re also welcome to join us for camping as well on Saturday evening, 6th April!]
4月6日/6th April :
14.30 抵達、安頓 | Arrival at the farm
15.00 南涌村民教導我們做客家粄(茶果)| Let’s make Hakka rice dumplings together with Nam Chung villagers!
餘下時間 傍晚共同做飯、篝火晚會、夜探南涌,或自由活動、早早睡覺
For the rest of time we’ll cook dinner together, explore Nam Chung at night, and just relax around the campfire. Sleep early for the night.
4月7日/7th April : 上午部分 Morning session
10.00 – 10.15:抵達、安頓/Arrival at the farm
10.15 – 10.30: 歡迎、互相認識/Opening & welcome
10.30 – 10.50:活耕建養地協會 六週年回顧/Six years in review
10.50 – 12.15:生態廚房理念、開幕及祝福儀式/PEACE’s first eco-kitchen – ceremony of blessing and inauguration 【一起用天然顏料在廚房外墻上繪畫】 [We’ll be drawing and decorating the walls with natural color paints.]
12.30 – 13.45:午飯【小耕田作 主理】/A vegetarian light lunch will be provided.
下午部分 Afternoon session
會員大會(歡迎非會員列席)/Annual General Meeting (Non-members welcome)
14.00 – 14.45:2018-19年度工作報告、財政報告/Year-end overview & Financial report for the year 2018-19
14.45 – 16.00:生態社區轉型下的協會結構轉變商議/Discussion on PEACE’s structural change in the process of Eco-Community transformation
16.00 – 16.45:2019-2021年度執委會選舉/Election of the 2019-2021 Executive Committee
ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ 同場還有小市集、農場導覽、鼠老大 油畫義賣
ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ We’ll arrange a guided tour for new comers. Welcome to our mini farmers’ market! And She Lo Dai’s Nam Chung paintings are for charity sale!
ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ 費用全免,歡迎捐獻 / Free of charge, Donations welcome
Please RSVP to Zoey at Whatsapp (852)95401429 before 2 April 2019. Please let us know the number of guests, and which session(s) you’re joining (AM/PM/Whole day). Please also advise if you’ll have lunch with us. If you’ll come for camping on April 6th, please also let us know.
溫馨提示/Friendly remarks
歡迎各位帶來做好的小菜、糕點、小吃等,到來加熱,與眾同樂分享/You’re encouraged to bring your dishes pre cooked and share together!
午餐為蛋奶素菜,如有其他飲食需要,請同我們聯繫;如需葷食,請自備/Lunch will be ovo-lacto vegetarian. Please let us know if you have any food allergies or special dietary needs.
參加4月6日露營的朋友,鼓勵以當季、本地、少/無包裝、素食等原則帶食材來分享;如需借用帳篷等,請提前告知,謝謝!/If you’re going to join us for camping on the 6th, please bring some food to share as well. Choose seasonal, local, vegetarian ingredients with little or no packaging if possible. Thank you.