
  1. 成為養地夥伴,繳付年費支持我們的保育工作;
  2. 捐助、購買農產及加工品、參與對外活動;
  3. 歡迎與我們合作,舉辦各類型參觀、工作坊及生態社區實踐項目;
  4. 參與實習生計劃,在農耕、食農教育、自然建築等範疇培養能力;
  5. 誠邀認同生態社區理念的你,加入我們,共同實踐永續生活。

    請電郵 peacenamchung@gmail.com與我們聯絡。

    PEACE strives to establish an eco-community in Nam Chung. We hope you can join us in this movement and show your support:

  1. Join our movement and support us with an annual membership fee.
  2. Donations welcome. You may also buy our produce & join our public events.
  3. Let’s work together in collaboration! We run farm visits & other farm-based workshops.
  4. Our apprenticeship program supports youth who are interested in the areas of farming, food education, and natural building skills.
  5. If you also want to practice the ecovillage way of living, please contact us & take part in our various working groups.

    Please contact us through this email: peacenamchung@gmail.com